The Beginning

Family of seven children my parents, were busy. I am the oldest my name is Debby I am now 48 years old, Patricia, 44, Jamie 40, Lena 38, James 36, Harry 34, Amy 32. We were a family that was very close. Family parties were always held at our house, and always had someone living with us. Mom wore the pants at our house dad went to work came home had dinner and the watched TV from the bed and mom took care of everything else. Dad mowed the yard shoveled the snow thats about it. Mom did not work out side of the house right then.
My family as I remember it was not a family to show a lot of love do not remember mom and dad kissing each other much in front of us kids. Dad didn't say a lot of any thing mom did the yelling and the orders dad just went along with it.
My mom was very much into her family my mom's side of the family was always coming over for holidays, and just to spend the weekends, some family members lived further away and we they came to visit usually spent the weekend. I remember they played a lot of cards and even thou my parents did not drink they all did and they always brought a lot of beer with them. But mom did not seem to mine because she always invited them back.
My parents fifth child James died when he was only one week old I was old enough to remember the day the policeman came to the door because at the time my dad was lay off work and we had no phone the Childrens Hospital had them came and tell us. It was just a grave side funeral and me and my sister Patty went with our parents. My mom was very upset I remember hearing her tell her sisters that she felt it was the hospitals fault because they used forceps but she said they did not have the money to fight the hospital. It was very hard losing there child when he was the first son. One year latter Harry came along and everyone spoiled him really bad he still is. Then last was Amy the baby and my best friend. I was 16 when Amy came along and kinda made her my baby she was my favorite and still is, every where we go now people think she is my daughter.

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